Monday, March 8, 2010


12pm / Inlets / NY

12:45 / Dana Falconberry / Austin

1:30 / Sharon Van Etten / NY

2:15 / David Wingo (of Ola Podrida) / Austin

3:00 / Jesse Woods / Austin

3:45 / Lesser Gonzalez Alvarez / Baltimore

4:30 / Lost River/Old River / Austin

5/5:15 / Mountain Man / Vermont

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Insights from Vedanta @ Progress Coffee

Insights from Vedanta @ Progress Coffee
---The Philosophy of Life & the Ultimate Reality---

Vedanta is the ancient wisdom of Indian Philosophy. The Sanskrit word 'Vedanta' simply means Ultimate Knowledge. Vedanta is considered the most complete system of philosophy that deals with life and living. Vedanta directs its pursuer to the highest human experience of Self Realization. Incidentally, it helps you to gain a calm mind & a sharp intellect.

Rangarajan is a disciple of Swami Parthasarathy, a 83 year old Self Realized master living in India. Rangarajan will be conducting a series of talks at the Progress Coffee; on the third Thursday of every month from 7pm to 8pm. You are welcome to join these sessions. to know more on Vedanta in the USA.

Topics for the first 6 sessions.
1. The Meaning of Happiness
2. Concept of God
3. The Mystery of Origin - Why, when & wherefore this world
4. The 3 states of Consciousness & You
5. Life, Death & Reincarnation
6. Qualities of a Spiritually Evolved Person
Vedanta Cultural Foundation USA

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

R Rangarajan speaks at Progress on Thursday, Jan. 21, 7pm

Talk title:

“The Fall of the Human Intellect”


Humanity has stopped thinking. The paucity of thought, reason and judgement has left the human intellect emaciated. Educational institutions focus on providing only knowledge, intelligence with no plan or program to develop the intellect (reasoning ability).

This loss of intellectual development has left humans with stress, depression, disease, etc. and the world with militancy and privation. More deeply, this fall has deprived us of our original, spiritual stature. Humanity now faces an urgent need to rehabilitate, reconstruct the fallen intellect.

With the re-development of the human intellect, called ‘buddhi’ in Sanskrit, humanity can recover peace and productivity both individually and on the societal level. Ultimately, a strong intellect can take one to the highest state of consciousness known as Self-Realization.

Rangarajan will introduce the Vedanta philosophy as a means for strengthening the intellect, reducing stress and strain and leading us to the spiritual awakening we are heir to.

R Rangarajan is originally from Chennai, India and is a senior disciple of Swami Parthasarathy. After a brief stint as a consultant in the management services industry, he took to full time study and research on Vedanta (Indian philosophy) at the Vedanta Academy in Malavli Hills, near Pune, in India. After completing 6 years of full time research and practice at the Academy, Rangarajan served as its resident representative and faculty in various cities throughout India. For the past 5 years, he has been assigned to the United Arab Emirates.
He offers weekly study sessions on Vedanta, utilizing various Vedantic texts including the Bhagavad Gita. He also conducts Vedanta retreats for all age groups. He has been a guest faculty at colleges and various private companies, corporations and institutes.
Ranga will arrive in the US next week and will be based in Houston. He will serve the non-profit Vedanta Cultural Foundation, USA ( in a full-time capacity. Ranga will spend equal time in Austin and Houston, offering donation-based classes for the public, in-house retreats for companies and other groups and will help arrange Swami Parthasarathy’s upcoming US tours.
This will be Ranga’s first talk in America.